Crying Over Coco
If you know Coco, you’ll get a chuckle out of this Top 10 list that Pam Kingery wrote and read recently at Coco Cook’s retirement party. If you don’t know...
If you know Coco, you’ll get a chuckle out of this Top 10 list that Pam Kingery wrote and read recently at Coco Cook’s retirement party. If you don’t know...
Remember to vote today! As Dr. Pierce said, “This may be the most important vote of your lifetime. This is a big choice. Really big. It ranks up there with...
Today’s guest blogger is Bethany Clay A video has gone viral recently. In it, a LaCrosse anchorwoman shares an email she received from a viewer in which he berates her for...
I once worked with this guy—let’s call him Ben. First day on the job he showed up in a short sleeve shirt and sandals. Apparently, he didn’t get the memo...
The below guest post comes from Emily Kobza, Director of Development for Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo. Two weeks ago I found myself in Chicago at the International Manufacturing & Technology...
Dear Father of That Six-Year Old Girl Whose Name I Can’t Remember: Eleven years ago our paths crossed for a few minutes. I’m sure you’ve long forgotten me. I, however,...
This blog is a journey. Here we will share insights, challenges and successes of one communities’ response to confronting the drop out crisis. Ultimately, this blog shines the light on...