In schools to help kids stay in school.

We are Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo.

Honor A Champion

Turn your support for students into a special moment for someone in your life!

Honor your champion today!

18th Annual Champs Celebration

Join us for an unforgettable event.

RSVP Today!
I believe in the possibilities and potential of our children. While the challenges they face are real, it is equally true that they have the capacity to overcome those challenges with the right supports. All that we do at CIS of Kalamazoo is done with that belief in mind.
James Devers

Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo Executive Director

A Student's Journey

A student's journey to high school graduation begins by putting one foot in front of the other. CIS of Kalamazoo is here. Every step of the way. Watch our video today.

Our impact

The impact we have in our community goes beyond the numbers—but the numbers tell a compelling story, too. Source: CIS of Kalamazoo Research, SY 2023 – 2024.

In the last year…



Want to help Kalamazoo students unlock their potential?

There are many ways you can help our students access the resources and opportunities that will help them succeed.

CIS Site Coordinator working with three students in a coordinator room around a table.


You can make a gift to CIS in several different ways, and all of them make an important impact.


Find out how your organization can become a community or corporate partner of CIS.


Get involved with our academic assistance programs.