How Do You Spell Excellent? K-A-L-A-M-A-Z-O-O
Today’s guest blogger is Pam Kingery, Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo. Read what she has to say. I think you’ll find it most excellent! Who doesn’t like...
Today’s guest blogger is Pam Kingery, Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo. Read what she has to say. I think you’ll find it most excellent! Who doesn’t like...
We recently welcomed a most amazing and interesting person into our midst. Imagine making it your personal mission to seek out and perform a charitable act in every state throughout...
As Director of Education for the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Liz Youker has been instrumental (no pun intended) in helping to establish Kids in Tune (KIT)—a partnership between Kalamazoo Public Schools,...
One year ago we launched this blog: Ask Me About My 12,000 Kids. There were over 181 million blogs when we began and there are probably more than that now....
What have you been learning this summer? Have you improved your math and reading skills? Have you learned to sing, cook, dance, play the cello, discovered who you are, and...
Today we highlight the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, honored this past spring at the sixth annual Champ Celebration. (This is the fifth installment of a nine part series.) At Woods Lake Elementary School:...
“Stop singing!” my son has been begging me. But I can’t stop singing the beautiful song (Out on a Limb) I heard last week out at the CIS Think Summer! program. If...