
From the CIS Kalamazoo Blog

Why Not Let Poetry Take the Wheel?

April 17, 2018
Category: General Info

“We all need poetry,” says Tracy K. Smith, current U.S. poet laureate. Since it’s Poetry Month, here are two poems for you to consider. Lexi Weeden is in tenth grade...

What Are CIS Volunteers Reading in 2018?

March 27, 2018
Category: Volunteers

National Reading Month has us once again wondering, what are Communities In Schools (CIS) volunteers reading? Here’s what a few of the wonderful volunteers who share their time and talents to...

How CIS is Like Basketball

March 20, 2018
Category: The CIS Model

“March Madness” is sweeping the country. So, let’s think about the way Communities In Schools does its work in terms of basketball. All across the US, 164 CIS affiliates help...

What are CIS Staff Reading?

March 13, 2018

It’s National Reading Month and a time when Kalamazoo Public Schools hosts literacy activities throughout the schools. We prepare ourselves by engaging in the annual ritual of asking: What are...

What Do Kids Love?

February 13, 2018
Category: General Info

This time last year we polled a few CIS partners, volunteers, and staff to find out what they love. This year, we posed this same question to students, from kindergarten...