
From the CIS Kalamazoo Blog

Young Leader Oriented Towards the Future

March 26, 2019
Category: Pop Quiz

Welcome back to the POP QUIZ! This is a regular, yet totally unexpected, feature where we ask students, parents, staff, our friends, and partners to answer a few questions about...

2017-18 Gifts of Kindness Recognition

March 12, 2019
Category: Newsletters

Thank you to the many individuals, groups, businesses, and other organizations who provided in-kind support to CIS and the students we served last school year, including donations of items to...

How CIS is Like Basketball

March 5, 2019
Category: The CIS Model

Did you know the Communities In Schools (CIS) network is working in 2,300 schools in 26 states and the District of Columbia, and serving nearly 1.5 million students using a model called...

Creating Courage

February 26, 2019
Category: General Info

Courage doesn’t just happen. It takes work. Just ask the seventh through twelfth graders throughout Kalamazoo Public Schools who have chosen to participate in MLK Courage to Create. For the...