“I liked learning what businesses, teachers, your volunteers and partners are doing with you in the schools.” This was one of many comments guests made after attending Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS) ninth annual Champs event at Cityscape. This year’s event was presented by PNC and Stryker. Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing more about each of the eight award winners (noted below).
Another guest said, “I love how you bookend your program with kids; couldn’t think of a better way to start than with Kids in Tune—those little kids were adorable—and end with a graduating Senior talking about her experience with CIS.”

Kid in Tune graduates who are now in middle school accompanied the younger singers. They are living out one of the five CIS basics: an opportunity to give back.
“Those little kids” the guest referred to are first and second graders who hail from Woods Lake Elementary School and are part of the Kids in Tune Fundamentals Program. Kids in Tune is a partnership among The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra (a 2013 Champ), Kalamazoo Public Schools, and Communities In Schools. Conducted by Dr. Eric Barth, Kalamazoo Kids In Tune Curriculum Director, the students performed “Yes You Can” by Donnie McClurkin. The students were accompanied by Christine Mason, a Youth Development Worker for the past two years with CIS.
Closing out the evening was Doreisha Reed, graduating this year from Kalamazoo Central High School. She graciously shared her speech with us so we can share it with you in a future post.
Guests also had an opportunity to watch “Who We Are,” a music video created, produced, and performed by Milwood Magnet Middle School students in their CIS after school program, which is funded by the Michigan Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers grants. The students worked closely with 2012 Champ and partner, BANGTOWN Productions & Recordings. The students received national recognition for this creation: their music video was chosen as the Video Spotlight winner of the Communities In Schools National Leadership Town Hall this year. You can watch it here.
In the weeks to come we’ll introduce you to the award winners who were in between these two marvelous “bookends,” people like Rosemary Gardiner, CEO of Family & Children Services. The CIS Board honored her with the Diether Haenicke Promise of Excellence Award.

Dr. Tim Light, President, Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo Board with Rosemary Gardiner, CEO of Family & Children Services.
Tune into CW7 this Friday, May 27th at 4pm, to watch Rosemary and Pam Kingery, Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo, on The Lori Moore Show. Then come back here on Tuesday and learn more about Rosemary Gardiner.
Congratulations to all of this year’s Champs:
Oshtemo Area Churches (OAC), CIS Faith-based Partner
Honoré Salon, CIS Business Partner
Big Brothers Big Sisters A Community of Caring, CIS Nonprofit Partner
Angelita Aguilar, Dean of Students, Kalamazoo Central High School
WMU Medallion Scholars, CIS Higher Learning Partner
Patrick Early, CIS Volunteer
Team Trailblazers, KPS Teachers, Maple Street Magnet Middle School
We also want to give a shout out to our CIS Site Teams, the CIS Site Coordinators, Youth Development Workers, VISTAs, and interns who provide the infrastructure to support the hundreds of marvelous volunteers and community partners who work through Communities In Schools to help children throughout Kalamazoo Public School stay in school and achieve in life.
Tags: Angelita Aguilar, Bangtown Productions & Recordings, Big Brothers Big Sisters A Community of Caring, Champs, Christine Mason, CIS, Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo, Eric Barth, Honore Salon, Kalamazoo Public Schools, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Kids in Tune, Kids in Tune Fundamentals Program, KIT, Michigan Department of Education's 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Oshtemo Area Churches, Patrick Early, PNC, Rosemary Gardiner, Stryker, Team Trailblazers, WMU Medallion Scholars