Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo Think Summer!—that’s a wrap.
The CIS Think Summer! program for Kalamazoo Public Schools elementary and secondary students is designed to reduce summer learning loss and increase academic and enrichment opportunities. In addition to regular academic lesson planning, during this year’s program, over 120 students were able to explore six different career themes through academic lessons, guest presenters, and scheduled field trips
- Got Talent, which focused on fine arts
- Top Chef, an introduction to food services
- General Hospital, a focus in medical and health
- Kids President, an introduction to community and local government
- Kids Can Build, an introduction to construction, engineering, and architect
- Shark Tank, featuring local small businesses and startups.
While we’ve been showcasing some of the activities and experiences students have had on the CIS Facebook page, we want to thank our partners who provided engaging opportunities for the students we served this summer. With your support, partners, this summer was engaging and fun for all students involved.

“In the ThinkSummer! program, I enjoyed the time spent with my friends and making new friends because some of the kids don’t go to my school.”
Briyon, 7th grade at Maple Street Middle School
Thank you:
Community Building Presenters:
Little Roots Yoga
Move with Joy
Rose Wellbeing
Trinity Prep Center
Career Exploration Presenters:
Anaya Fernado, Sugar Sweet Bath + Body Treats
Artazijah Julian, Julian Sweet Treats
Commissioner Tami Rey
David Thomas, Insight Associates, LLC
Deanna Omoniyi, Kalamazoo Empowerment Services
Dr. Turnera Croom, mobile veterinarian
Fred and Noreen Blackwell, Freddy’s Food Hut
Hether Frayer, Fresh Food is Fun
Hayward Babineaux, architect, Bryce & Associates
Heather Mitchell, Rootead Youth Enrichment Coordinator and Education for the Arts Dance Teaching Artist
Idalia Camacho-Valdivia, Chaparrita Mexican Grill
Kiara Bastian, Licensed Master Cosmetologist and co-owner of The Key Lounge Hair Studio
Lee Pratt, UncLee’s Barber Shop
Marta Lehman
Michael Beyene, Creative Ninja/Entrepreneurs with Kalamagonia
Jane Toll, Community Nutrition Instructor, MSU Extension
Nadine Rios-Rivas, architect, Seven Generations Architecture and Engineering, LLC
Scarlet Vasquez, Nmotion
Sebastian Pratt, UncLee’s Barber Shop
Shantese Robinson, iDancefearless
Career Fair Presenters:
China Campbell, barber at The Presidential Blend Suite
Commissioner Tami Rey
Dee Loucks, Medical Assisting Chair at Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Demargeo White, Huey D’s Goodies
Heather Mitchell, Rootead Youth Enrichment Coordinator and Education for the Arts Dance Teaching
Idalia Camacho, Chaparrita Mexican Grill
Nadine Rios-Rivas, architect, Seven Generations Architecture and Engineering, LLC
Field Trips:
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Ninth Circuit Court, Judge Namita Sharma
Dr. Khalid El-Hakim, 101 Black History Mobile Museum
Mr. Jermaine Jackson, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Traveling Museum
Enrichment Provider:
Prevention Works

“I liked when the lady came to make tacos and tamales (Idalia Camacho, Chaparrita Mexican Grill). They were good. I also enjoyed the guest, Dancing with Joy. Plus, I was able to see my best friend.”
Madison, 6th grader at Milwood Magnet Middle
To all you delightful folks who partnered with us to enrich and inspire our kids this summer, thank you! Check out more pictures on the CIS Facebook page.

CIS Think Summer! is supported by federal dollars awarded through the Michigan Department of Education, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers.