October 15, 2024

The Start of a Creative Path: My Journey as the New Marketing Intern

By: Kalea Barnes, Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo Marketing Intern and KVCC Student.

In the real world of marketing, creative blocks are real. One minute, I’m overflowing with ideas, and the next, I’m staring at a blank page wondering if I’ve forgotten how to think. The trick? Snacks. Lots of snacks. 


Hello! I’m Kalea Barnes, your new Marketing and Communications Intern, but you can call me a storyteller, idea enthusiast, or all-around marketing nerd. I’m here to dive into the world of digital campaigns, creative content, and all things communication here at Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo. From brainstorming the next big idea, to crafting social media magic, I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get started. But first things first, I invite you to learn a little about my background and how I ended up here! 


It all began my junior year of high school at Kalamazoo Central during a Business Management class that covered all things business related, including Marketing. I was instantly drawn to the marketing components and the excitement I had when I created fun and eye-catching designs. Making things look presentable has always been a strength of mine (the perfectionist part of me kicks in). Growing up, I was encouraged to express myself often and used that to my advantage when creating flyers that catches attention and creates a sense of welcoming and relatability through authenticity. Over the past few years, I’ve developed a deep interest in how brands connect with their audiences, and this internship felt like the perfect opportunity to further explore that. Whether it’s crafting compelling stories, designing social media strategies, or learning the behind-the-scenes of marketing campaigns, I’m eager to soak it all in! 

Why Marketing & Communication at CIS? 

Although I have only started, one thing that I have already learned to appreciate within this internship is that even being large in scale, Kalamazoo is a tight-knit community.  To work right in the heart of downtown, I am shown more insight into how much our community is involved and it is a beautiful thing to see.  

Throughout elementary school at Woods Lake, transitioning to Linden Grove and entering high school, I was deeply involved with Communities In Schools, and it changed my whole world. To be supported throughout my school years and receiving so much encouragement has been the best thing for me as I struggled with homework, my confidence, and making friends. Through my own experience, I see what my community is capable of, and I have the desire to capture student voices, like mine, through storytelling. To me, marketing is more than just promoting products or initiatives; it is about understanding the youth and leaders in my community, viewing different perspectives, and influencing decisions.  

What I Hope to Learn 

I look forward to expanding my knowledge in areas like content creation, social media management, and strategic communication. More importantly, I am excited to learn from the talented team at Communities In Schools, who bring so much experience and insight into the marketing field. My goal is to bring a fresh perspective and contribute ideas that will help CIS stand out even more. Whether it is through crafting unique social media content or finding new ways to engage with our audience. I am ready to hit the ground running. Here’s to a great journey ahead! 

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