20th Anniversary "Family" Reunion
Celebrating twenty years of surrounding students with a community of supports.
RESCHEDULED for Saturday, July 20th
1:00–4:00 p.m.
Arcadia Creek Festival Place
Downtown Kalamazoo
Celebrate 20 Years of Supporting Students
The In celebration of twenty years of surrounding students with a community of supports, Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS) is hosting a Family Reunion style event on Saturday, July 20, 2024, from 1:00-4:00PM at Arcadia Creek Festival Place downtown Kalamazoo.
This event welcomes all current and former CIS students, families, donors, volunteers, partners and staff to join us for music, networking, food and fun! There will be information and activities for all ages, from games to college information, community resources and more. Please help us to spread the word and register to join us.