Dear Friends of CIS,
Kalamazoo Public Schools had a record-high graduation rate last year and the Superintendent let us know that Communities In Schools is a significant part of those encouraging results. Thank you for helping us to make those results a reality! This annual report shares our progress and asks you to invest again in our school-based approach.
The center page reflects the power of an entire community working collectively toward a common purpose. Through the CIS coordinated approach, the community is removing barriers and giving our kids the power of hope. Because of your investment, many more students have been able to take advantage of our great teachers and opportunities to develop their gifts.
Whatever part you played in surrounding our kids with a community of support, it mattered! Thank you.
Tim Light, CIS Board President
Pam Kingery, CIS Executive Director

Read the full 2015-16 CIS Annual Report here.
Our list of gifts of kindness donors can be found here.
Tags: Annual Report