Ugly Sweater Fundraiser and Party

The 10th Annual Ugly Sweater Party

Vote for your favorite, enjoy a silent auction and live entertainment, and help us support students

Thursday,December 5th
5:30–8:00 p.m.

Bell’s Brewery
Downtown Kalamazoo

It’s sweater season at Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo.

We’re delighted to host our 10th annual Ugly Sweater event at Bell’s Brewery on December 5th, from 5:30–8:00 p.m. Pre-sale tickets are available now, and a limited number will be available at the door.

Each year we gather in our ugliest of sweaters to bring awareness to our whole child approach of supporting students. This approach includes providing essentials such as warm winter-wear and supplies – just one of the dozens of ways that CIS supports kids in Kalamazoo.

This year’s party will feature a silent auction, sweater voting, and live entertainment from Yolonda Lavender and The Crew. A taco bar will be provided while supplies last. Beverages are available for purchase.

Note: We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage. If you have any dietary, access, or support requirements in order to participate fully, please let us know when you RSVP to ensure that we can arrange any reasonable accommodations. Please note: Bell’s Brewery is accessible for people using wheelchairs and other mobility aids.

Meet our sweaters and vote today!

Our sponsors have each created an Ugly Sweater for this years contest. View the submissions below, and vote for your favorite by clicking it’s link to donate. All proceeds go to Communities in Schools of Kalamazoo to support our whole child approach of supporting students. The winner will be announced at the party.

Click on a sweater photo to expand.

“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


“Elf on the Shelf on the Sweater”

Chase Bank of Southwest Michigan


Thank you to our sponsors