This issue of CIS Connections filled with doubles as in twins, dynamic duos, day and after school support, school and community working together. Read the full issue here.
So, don’t worry if you’re seeing double, because you are seeing double. Your support of Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS) extends our reach into 20 Kalamazoo Public School buildings, leverages the work of staff, volunteers, school and community partners, amplifying our efforts to overcome the barriers that derail kids, giving them hope and the belief they can succeed in school, graduate and be prepared for life.
No one organization can serve the needs of over 11,000 students. We work with you and the community to ignite hope in thousands of kids. Be on the look-out for nine of our over 70 CIS partners mentioned throughout the newsletter. Okay, so nine is more than double but we think this issue is so double-y delicious and informative, you’ll want to read it twice!

Read more in our in our newsletter, CIS Connections: The Double Issue
Tags: CIS Connections, CIS Newsletter, Double