Our Contributors
Foundation Support
Allkins Family Foundation | Burdick-Thorne Foundation | The Samuel J. and Mary E. Colef Fund | Dorothy U. Dalton Foundation | Edward J. Fletcher Foundation | ENNA Foundation | Harold and Grace Upjohn Foundation | H.P. and Genevieve Connable Fund | Irving S. Gilmore Foundation | Jim Keeler and Merry Ellen Eason Family Foundation | Kalamazoo Community Foundation | The Marvin & Rosalie Okun Foundation | Mike and Sharon Seelye Family Foundation | Richard & Thelma Hall Foundation | Stryker-Johnston Foundation | Suzanne U.D. Parish Foundation | Tyler Little Family Foundation | The W.S. and Lois VanDalson Foundation |
Corporation | Organization Support
Abraxas Worldwide | Ascension Borgess | Athletico Management LLC. | Avolta | Bell's Brewery, Inc. | Bronson Healthcare Group | CareSource Management Services | Catalyst Development Co., LLC | City of Kalamazoo | Comerica Bank | Consumers Credit Union | CSM Group | CWS Financial Advisors, LLC | Douglas & Son, Inc. | Eaton Corporation | Edwards Garment | FEMA Corporation of Michigan, Inc. | Fifth Third Bank | Greenleaf Trust | Gryphon Place | Hardings Friendly Market | Honore Salon | Humphrey Products | Jaqua Realtors | JP Morgan Chase | Kalamazoo County Association of Retired School Personnel | Kalamazoo Orthodontics | Kalamazoo Public Schools | Kalamazoo Rotary Club Charities | Kalsec, Inc. | Kiwanis Club of Kalamazoo | Lake Michigan Credit Union | Landscape Forms | Latitude 42 Brewing Co. | LKF Marketing | Maestro | Mercantile Bank of Michigan | Miller Johnson | Miller-Davis Company | Old National Bank | Pfizer | PNC | R.W. LaPine Inc. | Saturday Eves' Book Club | Schupan | Stryker | The Emerging Leaders for CIS | The Kalamazoo Promise | Unifab Corporation | Warner Norcross + Judd LLP | Welsh & Associates | Western Michigan University College of Education | Western Michigan University Office of Diversity and Inclusion | Western Michigan University Office of the President | WMU Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity | Zoetis |
Individual Support
Anonymous Honor a Champion – Molly Kinnison
Anonymous Honor a Champion – Staff at Woodward Elementary
Anonymous In honor of Jen Clark
Anonymous In honor of Jen Dewaele at Woodward Elementary
Anonymous In honor of Pam Kingery
Anonymous In honor of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Julie Adams Smith
Cynthia Addison In memory of Bridget Stover
Angelita Aguilar
Karen Allen
Terri Aman
Lola Amos
Raymond and Anne Ampey
David Anderson and Cori Terry
Sheree Appel
Blaec Arevalo
Katelyn Arseneau
Mike and Mom
M60 Auto Service
Jane and Keith Baas
Kimberly Babineaux
Dorothy Bainbridge
Sharolyn Bajo
Lois Baker-Czirr and George Czirr
Mary Bakken In memory of Barbara J. Patterson
Bethany Balash
Karen Baldwin
Harold Ballen
Jon Bartik
Deb Wickman and Tim Bartik
Paul Basing and Claudia Wink-Basing
Halbert Bates
Mark Baumann
Brian Beaver
Carol and Tom Beech
Larry Bell and Shannon Bell
Timothy and Janice Bell
Susan Bennett
Michele Benson
Nkenge Bergan
Nkenge Bergan Honor a Champion – Linda Comer
Steve Bielak
Patrice Blackburn
Priscilla Blair
Jamauri Bogan
Marine Bolliet
Julie Bonner-Heine
Robert and Sandy Borsos
Jennifer Bott
Sherwood Boudeman
Cheryl Bowman
Tyler Boyd
Lisa Brady
Tom and Janet Bremer
John Schumacher and Marilyn Breu
Stephen Brewer
Jim Brletich
Jeremy Bronson
Dr. Robert and Ann Brown
Donald Brown
John W. and Rosemary K. Brown In honor of JaVon, 2024 KC Graduate
Dr. Janice M. Brown-Birch
Kathy Brueck
Steven and Lynne Buell
Dolores Burchell
Christopher Burns
Elizabeth Burns and Roger Zinser
Regina Byrd
Jacinta Callaway
Dana Calloway
Shawna Camburn
Douglas Ryan Cameron
Margaret Cancro and Lynda McKinnon
Amy A. Capelli and Peter H. Capelli
Ruth Caputo
Margaret Carr
Donna Carroll and Fred McTaggart
Thomas Carroll
Desma N. Caudill
Alisha Cederberg
John and Sharon Cerovski
Donald M. Chalker
Sarah Chan
Anne Charette
Margaret Charles
Judith Kay Chase
Brianna Chatman
Calvin Cheatham
Marcella Cheatham
John and Lynne Chipman
Mickey and Kristen Ciokajlo
John and Jennifer Clark
Aedin and Paul Clements
Frank and Shirley Cody
Artrella M. Cohn
Artrella M. Cohn Honor a Champion – Jaliyah Harris
Susan Coney
LaWanda Conger
Coco and Warren Cook In honor of Debra Newsome
Don Cooney
Amy Cooperrider
Christine K. Cooperrider
Jennafer Cooperrider
Jennafer Cooperrider Honor a Champion – My daughter Florence
Katie Cortright
Tiffany Crawford
Allie Creamer
Lee and Sherry Crossley
Ashley Crouch
Haley Crowe
Eric Cunningham
Jim and Chris Cupper
James and Carrie Curry
Scott and Joanna Dales
Judy D’Arcangelis
Leland Davenport
Jeff Davis
Fred and Leslie Decker
Janene Decker
Janice Deleeuw
Ms. Dana DeLuca and Mr. Ken Greschak
Bethany DeMarco
Stephen and Marlene Denenfeld
Valerie Denghel
Teresa Denton
Jeffrey DesCamp
Gretchen Dettloff
James and Tamisha Devers
Neil Devine
Cetera DiGiovanni
Renee Divincenzo
Kelli Dixon
Robert and Etsuko Dlouhy
Mark and Diane Donovan
Susan Dornan
Robert and Mary Doud
Ms. Jennifer Drake and Mr. Hugh A. Edwards
Ashley Drenth
Mikka Dryer
Jennifer and Charlie Duhon
Coty Dunten
Caren Dybek
Randall and Diane Eberts
Gustavo and Tania Echavarria
Susan and Fred Einspahr
Erik Eldred
Loyal and Bonnie Eldridge
Kathy Ellis
Elisabeth Endres
Hans Engelke
Nancy A. Engemann
Wendy English
Asha Epp
Michele Erikson
Isabella Estrada
Emily W. Ewing
Steve and Connie Ferguson
Wendy Fields Honor a Champion – Janette (Ms G.G.) Evans
Lydia Fink-Cox & Allen Cox
David Fischer
Ryan Fix
Annette Fix-Speikes
Roxana Florescu
Ellen Foley
Angela Fortin
Amanda Foster
Ardis Foust
Shirley and Jim Freeman
Jim and Roxanne Frey
Gianina Gabriel
Silvia Camila Gaete Lagos
Keri Anne Gallagher
Shawna Gallagher
Deborah Gant
Jose Garcia
Deyette Gardner
Judy Gatton
Christina Getachew
Clare Gilligan
Sheila Gilligan
Shakita Givhan
Sandy L. Glanton
Cindy L. Glenn
Anthony Goggans
Alice I. Gordon
Michael Graham
Beverly and Geoffrey Grambau
Tom Grant
Cindy Green
Cynda and Jim Greenman
Elizabeth Griffin
Brenden Groggel
Bill and Dale Groggel
Dawn Groggel
Kwame Gyimah
Allison Haan
James and Beverly Haas
Rochelle Habeck and Allan Hunt
Carol A. Haenicke
Carol A. Haenicke In memory of Diether Haenicke
Michael and JoAnn Hageman In memory of John J. Biermacher
Travis Haight
Dean and Cynthia Halderson
Caroline Ham
Jill Hamilton
Kristin Hamilton
Marissa Harrington
Robert O. Hayes II and Mara Hayes
Prentis Hearn Honor a Champion – Stacy Ledbetter
James and Mary Heaton
Phillip Hegwood
Mike and Sheryl Henderson
Melissa Henriquez
James Herman
Diana Hernández
Janice Herrick
Emily Freed and Brad Hershbein
Jim and Jeanne Hess
Ed and Ginnie Hessler
Jennifer Heymoss
Sylvia Hicks-Fox and Joseph Fox
Maggie Higgins
Lisa Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hill Jr.
Nancy Hilliard
Sheila Hilliard
Melissa Holman
Heather Holmer
Gwendolyn Hooker
Jack Hopkins and Andy Hopkins
Debra and Christopher Howard
The Husain Dykgraaf Family
Carl and Ariadne Ill
Ashley and Josh Iocca
Natalie Jackson
Jonathan James
Melissa James
Lisa Jank
Cate Jarvis
Maggie Jerkovich
Amber Johnson
Cheryl Johnson
Katie Johnson
Judy K. Jolliffe
Alexia A. Jones
Robert Jorth
Richard and Raelyn Joyce
Nancy and Bruce Justin
Sinead K
Emmy Kastner
Amelia Katanski
Haley Katenin
Jim Keeler and Merry Ellen Eason Family Foundation
Patricia Keiser
Haley and Dylan Keith
Katie Kelly
Dawn Kemp
Katherine Kemp
Anna Kempke
Robert and Ann Kilkuskie
Robert and Ann Kilkuskie In honor of Ms. Snow and Ms. Walker at Woodward Elementary
Denise King
Douglas King
Pam and Don Kingery In memory of Tom Ellison
Molly and Thomas Kinnison
Matthew Kirby
Arthur L. Kirk and Kate Kirk-Greenberg
Patricia Kirschner
Carolyn Kline
Paul and Joyce Kline
Keith Kline
Kevin Kline
D.G. and Jane Knapp
Haylee Knowles
Lisa Kokotan
Mariana Kondon
Carla Koretsky
Jane and Ron Kramer
Catherine Krause
Steven and Jane Kreider Honor a Champion – Denise Hartsough
Alisha Kuch
Amy and Todd Kuchta
Jasmine Kuliasha
Laurie Kunz
Katherine Laatsch
Becky Lambros
Albert and LaVerne Lami
Leslie Lami-Reed and William Reed
Chris and Mary Lampen-Crowell
Kathryn Lancaster
Christine B. Lang
Christine B. Lang In honor of Diane Lang’s birthday
Diane Lang
Sylvia Laraway
Susan Larner
Ken Larson
Melinda Lavender
Stacey Ledbetter
Adam Lee
Andrew Lee
Mia Leibold
Felicia Lemons
Felicia Lemons Honor a Champion – Mindy VanDyke
Leslie Lepore
Anne Lett
Cathlene Lett
Kelly and Steven Leversee
Jyllian and James Liggins
Ron and Karen Logan
Julie Lorenz
Erin Lowe
Ryan Ludemann
Bobby Ludwick
Conni Lutes and Ron Desnoyer In honor of Conni Lutes
Nancy J. MacKenzie
Garrard and Moira
Barbara and Joe Malsom
Sarah and Lucas Mansberger
Rebecca Mansfield
Laurin Mathis
Quinton Mathis
Patricia Matyas
Ryan Matyas
Kelly Matyas – Brant
Bill and Jeannette Maxey
Elma Maye
William J. Mayer and Anne S. Fainsinger
Carmen McAlister
Christine McCarthy
Matt McComis
Dr. Candy McCorkle
Jenee McDaniel
Tony and Theresa McDonnell In honor of Elizabeth Upjohn Mason
Dominique McDuffey
Beth McIntyre
James and Joanna McIntyre
Kymberly McKenzie
Emma McLaren
The McLaren’s
Gail McLaughlin
Stephanie McLaughlin
Annette McMillan
Denny Meadows
Thomas Mechtenberg
James and Amy Melvin
Nicole and Steve Meteer
Jim Metzger
John Meyer
Kevin Meyle
Sara Miles
Jan Miller
Mary Miller
Jamie E. Miller
Michelle Miller-Adams
Joseph and Linda Mills
Craig and Diane Misner
Judith Moehle and Jeffrey C. Moehle
Ron and Joan Molitor
Lisa Moore
Shawn Moore
Jeffrey Moran
David and Heather Morgan
David Morgan Honor a Champion – Heather Morgan
Terry and Meri Morrow
Sonya Moyle
Janet Murphy
Kathleen Murphy Brown and Jeffrey Brown
Charles Nelson and Jim Weessies
Vicki Nelson
Rick and Julie Nemire
Tim Marlow and Kim Nemire
Timothy and Ellen Nendorf
Melissa Nesbitt
Randy and Debra Newsome
Catherine Niessink
TG Nulty
Scott and Janet Nykaza
Scott and Janet Nykaza Honor a Champion – Kristyn Buhl-Lepisto
Derl and Heidi Oberlin
Carla and Tom Obringer
Jean Oconnor
Susan O’Connor
Janna O’Halloran
Mickey and Richard Olivanti
Joel J. and Florence U. Orosz
Janet O’Rourke
Sara Owen
Craig Owens
Shirley Palmer
Don and Ann Parfet
Alisa Parker
Charles Parker
Dr. Karika Parker Honor a Champion – Romello Jaylen Phillips
David Lundquist and Susan Paul
Edward and Maureen Pawlak
Edward and Maureen Pawlak In memory of Dan Thompson
Marcy L. Peake Honor a Champion – Chris and Jack Peake
Marcy L. Peake In memory of Bill Wright
Roberta Perconti
Julie and Bob Peterson
Lesa Petrucci
Desiree Pfeifer
Ala Phillips
Doug Phillips
Trent Pierre
Gary and Carla Pocialik
Nicki Poer
Steve and Robin Pollens
Anne Marie Pop
Lucian and Lee
Kristen Potts
Erica Powell
Thomas and Linda Powell Honor a Champion – Mrs. Amy Richmond from Liam Powell
Thomas and Linda Powell Honor a Champion – Ms. Molly Herdon from Margaret Powell
Erin Praedel
Kathleen Praedel
Karen Principato
Dominic Pullo
Paul Quinn
Naysa Quinones
Emily Radocha
Michele Radocha
Nancy Ray
Katrina Reed
Carly Rentz
Kelsey Rex
Sarah Rex
Edgar Reyes
Marnie Richter
Lavonda Rimmer
Jim and Sheila Ritsema
Louise and George Robeck
Alexis Roberts
Jill Roberts
William and Jill Roberts
Phil and Ellen Robertson
James Rocco
Caroline Rodriguez
Julie Rogers
Marie Rogers
Susan Rosas
Penny Rose
Jane Rooks Ross and Barry Ross
Jim and Lynn Ross
Amanda Rubley
Kelcey Rubley
Ben Ruhlman
Paul and Janice Runnels
Courtney Russell
Robin Rynd
Lindsey Sagnella
Joyce Salisbury
Dr. James R. Sanders
Angela and Robert Sawyer
Dafne Schenendorf
Carl Schoenheit
Harlie Schrader
Marc and Jeanne Schupan
Julie Scott
William and Melinda Scott
Richard and Gloria Seabold In memory of Chad Seabold
Frankie & Gracie Sedgeman
Mike and Sharon Seelye Family Foundation
Elizabeth Seiwert
Jean Sequite
Teresa Shaffer
Consuelo Shank
Namita Sharma and Rex Brueggemann
Stephanie “Mimi” Sherriff
Patricia J. Shiley
Patti Sholler-Barber
Patti Sholler-Barber Honor a Champion – CIS Staff
Patti Sholler-Barber Honor a Champion – Dr. Darrin Slade
Michael Shubeck and Nancy Monsour
Jody L. Sikkema and Jerry Sikkema
Marjorie Simmons
Marjorie Simmons Honor a Champion – John Valenti
Josh and Caycee Sledge
James W. Smith
Lawrence R. Smith
Jacquelyn Sobieraj
Don Solesbee
Sharon Soltesz
Charles D. Spencer In memory of Dianne Spencer
Sandy Standish
Alyssa Stemler
Jacob Stempky
Gale and Anne Stephens
Gayle Stephenson
Sally M. Stephenson
Joan Stetler
Kanequewa Steward
Lyda and Vern Stillwell
Sarah Stockinger
Michael and Ruth Stoddard
Kacie Stoll
Katie Stoll
Carol Straw
Alan Strong
Ron and Margaret Strzelecki
Savannah Stuart
Chris and Nancy Sundberg
Scott Sylvester
Jen Taylor In honor of Mildene Bradley
Todd Taylor
Greg Teall
Linda Teare
John and Lynn Tecca
Burt and Cheryl TenBrink
Martha A. Terpstra
Martha A. Terpstra In honor of Dana Flynn
Martha A. Terpstra In honor of Jen Dewaele at Woodward Elementary
Martha A. Terpstra In honor of Samantha Darby at Milwood Elementary
Martha A. Terpstra In memory of Norma Wright
Bonnie Terrentine
Amy and Paul Terzino
The Therkildsen Family
Ed and Doreen Thomas
Ed and Doreen Thomas Honor a Champion – Linnaea Thomas
John and Linnaea Thomas
Logan and Josh Thomas
Mr. Tim Cloud and Ms. Sherry Thomas-Cloud In honor of Don Cooney
Darren and Bridget Timmeney
Martha M. Todd
Nancy Troff
Silvia Roederer and Leslie Tung
Dana E. Underwood In memory of Donna J. Underwood
Amy Upjohn and Brad VandenBerg
Elizabeth Upjohn Mason
Sophie Van der Westhuizen
Cheryl Vance
Elizabeth VandenHeede
Alexander Vanderslice
Liz Vandersloot
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanderVelde
Mindy VanDyke
Carrie and Bill Venema
Anil Verma
Lisa Walker
Robert and Catherine Wall Emerson
Greg Wallace
Sara Ware
Susan Warner and Mike Straubel
David and Mary Jo Warwick
Dianne E. Washington and Dr. Earl M. Washington In memory of Elizabeth McCracklin
Marshall and Tonja Washington
Von and Fran Washington
Von and Fran Washington In memory of Patricia Carlin
Von Washington, Jr.
Michael Watson Jr
Megan Way
Annette Weeden Gray
Daniel and Myrna Weller
Judith Wells
Sheri and Richard Welsh
Spencer Welsh
Chris Werme and Michelle VanTorre-Werme
Demarra West
Anne Wester
Launda Wheatley
Tia Whitley
Mark Wickman
Tracey and Cedric Wicks
John and Heather Widner
Kathleen Widner
Carolyn H. Williams Honor a Champion – Jay Yelton III and James Liggins Jr.
Carolyn H. Williams In honor of Pam Kingery
Terry and Sharon Williams
Elaine M. Williams
JaMeelah Williams
Khalimah Williams
Marilyn Williams
Nancy Williams
Susan Willis-Schippers
Eric Wimbley
Lori Wingate
Gretta Winkelbauer
Demetrias Wolverton
Marvinetta Woodley-Penn
Jacqueline L. Wylie
Ballard J. Yelton III and Lori Yelton
Michelle Youngs
Lynn and Henry Ziolkowski
David Zolp
Michelle and Troy Zukowski-Serlin
Doug and Pam Zwart
Jerry and Mary Zwart
This annual report recognizes those who gave financial gifts between July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. We make every effort to recognize our donors accurately. If we have omitted you or made a mistake in listing you, we need to know! Please accept our apologies for any oversights and contact us (269) 337-1601 or email Felicia Lemons at flemons@ciskalamazoo.org with the corrected information for future publications.
Walking With Purpose 2024 Teams
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Team Captain: Keshia Dickason | BecauseKids Team Captain: Sandy Barry-Loken | Carter Zone Team Captain: Bennettria Carter | CWS Walkers Team Captain: Brooke Green and Savannah Stuart | DeltaSigmaThetaSorority Team Captain: Marcella Cheatham | Gazelle Sports Team Captain: Kristin Hamilton | Plainwell Pacers Team Captain: Debi Newsome | Promise Penguins Team Captain: Cetera DiGiovanni | Rad Tech Gals Team Captain: Virginia Kujawa | Rose Wellbeing Team Captain: Mia Leibold | School of Walk Team Captain: Kelly Leversee | SLD READ Team Captain: Kristen Potts | Sparty Squad Team Captain: Molly Kinnison | Strolling for Students Team Captain: Kim Nemire | Team Consumers Team Captain: Jennifer Smith | Team Joy Team Captain: Ariel Johnson | Team Walk & Talk Team Captain: Sara Ware | The AbonMarchers Team Captain: Brenna Cooper | The Panthers Team Captain: Kim Townsend | Tipsy Trekkers Team Captain: Pam Dalitz | Too Inspired To Be Tired Team Captain: Jenna Cooperrider | Walk It Out! Team Captain: Artrella Cohn | Walk with Heart Team Captain: Kathleen Matyas-Orr and Sheree Appel | Walking Tacos Team Captain: Moira Gilligan-Ide | Welsh Walking Warriors Team Captain: Alisha Welsh | Woodward Wolves Team Captain: Heather Gatton | Zoetis 1000 Miles Team Captain: Anil Verma |